Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Beginning Again!

I haven’t blogged for a long time. I have wanted to, but every time I sit down to blog for the last few months, I just can’t do it. I don’t really think about it, I just walk away from the computer and say “next week.” Obviously that didn’t work. Today, I finally started to think about why I’m having trouble blogging this time. Whenever I sit down to blog and I try to think of what I want to share, I think “this is so boring, you don’t have anything interesting to say, no one will want to read this, it’s like when your uncle shows you 3 hours’ worth of pictures from the vacation you don’t want to see, you really can’t write…“  You get the picture. But then I reminded myself of why I want to blog. I want to blog because I have this amazing second chance to do something in my life that I love (work with kids) and I want to record it and share it with anyone interested. So I’ve decided to let go of the negative voices inside my head and just write. I will write/post once a week on Saturdays. If it’s not great or interesting.. That’s ok. It will be from my heart.  For now, Im off to meet with the wonderful kids I work with. Here’s a few pictures. Talk to you Saturday!
Sheki leadership camp this last summer with some of the village kids and kids from the local orphanage.

The Sheki site mates got together to celebrate "the day of the dead" on November 1. We made homemade bread with an orange glaze and enchiladas with mole. 

There is a 2% Jewish population in Azerbaijan. This is from a synagogue looking out to the Mosque across the river.


  1. Yay, a new post! :) Even if it's just pictures, I find it very interesting. Your added comments are even better. :D Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you! Every new bit of information I get is a great help in keeping me moving forward towards my service.
    How do we mail to you?

  3. Thanks so much. Happy to answer any questions. My email is cubbiesrock2010@gmail.com. Mailing address is Merkezi Poct,
    Sheki AZ5500,
    Azerbaijan. Looking forward to meeting you!!!
