Sunday, December 9, 2012

A proud day

I Merrill Nosler, do solemly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, domestic or foreign, that I take this obligation freely. And without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. And that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties in the Peace Corps, so help me God.

After a lot of speeches by Peace Corps and ministry officials, 48 of us raised our right hands and took this oath. I have done this once before, but I believe I was even more excited and proud this time. I have the honor and privilege of serving my country and doing what I love... working with youth. Life is good.

The next day, 7 of us, with the help of an LCF and a host brother, crammed all of our stuff onto a little marshuka and moved up north to the middle finger of Azerbaijan. (If you look at Azerbaijan on a map, it is shaped like a hand and has fingers, so people say which finger they are it.... no comment please!) We dropped of 2 people in Oguz and then the other 5 of us came to Shaki. We were dropped off at the bus station and Kathy (a volunteer here for a year) met us with Azeri friends and a sign she made. It was a wonderful welcome. I rented a taxi and took my stuff to my house, dragged it up the stairs (Im never moving again) and have been settling in this weekend.

So far, I went to a meeting yesterday with other volunteers and we then went to the bazaar to buy stuff for our rooms, and then checked out the local stadium where the bike club was having a demonstration. I spent time with my host family last night, who slaughtered me playing dominos. Today, I made home, home by finishing unpacking and putting up pictures. My counterpart took me to Khans palace (pics next time) and then I came home to a great dinner of plov. And then, I got on the internet (my family has wi fi.... posh corps) and blogged with the Staffords... and here I am.

Tomorrow is my first day of work. Im excited and a little bit nervous. Im hoping to blog once every week or two. If there's anything in particular you want to know, let me know. I think I am going to do a blog on squat toilets...... and some of the historical places in Shaki. A lot of diversity there.

Im posting the address you can send letters/ packages. It is to the post office in Shaki.
And, if you ever want to skype, send me an email a few days in event and we will have a skype date.

I pray you all have a great holiday. Its different being somewhere with no Christmas music going in the backround. Miss you all!!!

Mail address:
Merkezi Poct,
Sheki  AZ5500,

If you sent something to the PC address or to my home address, dont worry, that will get there too.

Dave and Jen, A great couple in my group.


some of the baby boomers in our group

the backdrop at our swearing in

Zuleha,my LCF

Khayel in charge of training. Check out the tie. Khayel rocks!!!

My country director

Mary, a business volunteer


The wonderful woman who administered my language test. I passed!!!

John, an English teacher... we are almost the same height

the media

the shaki crew. Left to right, Dave and Shani (married) me, john and cliff

Myself, the ambassador and his wife (ambassador Morningstar) Jeyhun and Jess

Jeyhun... one of the fabulous LCF's

My host sister and mother from Jarombatan

My cluster. Zuleha, renee, emily, iain and me

all the lcf's after the swearing in

all my stuff on moving day. Lots of stuff from PC. water filter, med kit, books....

on the way to shaki during an interesting conversation about blimps

I was in the front. My view

snow on the mountains in shaki. Russia is just on the other side... some say it may snow this week

The only church in azerbaijan other than the ex pat one in baku. This one was closed during soviet times


New host family: Sevda, Ilham, Shams


This is koran verses on a plaque outside me bedroom door. Anyone know what it says?

1 comment:

  1. HOW EXCITING! You look fabulous in the lavender suit. We are so happy that you have a dog with you. Does he live in or at the host house?

    It took a while, but Rachel and I have figured out what the plaque in your room says. Here it is: "I have climbed highest mountain. I have run through the fields, only to be with you-- only to be with you. I have run. I have crawled. I have scaled these city walls--these city walls, only to be with you. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for." :P
